As the Internet of Things is expanding, now also the connection of bikes has become reality. We are talking about Vanhawk’s Valour, world’s first connected bicycle.
LED lights in the steer help you navigate by showing before each turn which way to go. Vibrating handlebar grips alert you when there’s car or other traffic approaching in your blind spot. Integrated sensors measure your speed, distance traveled, calories burned, best times, and much more.
Its ergonomic design allows for more comfortable and healthy cycling. Its carbon fibre frame with internal wall structure makes it both lightweight (16lbs) and strong.
Its built-in electronics are powered by a dynamo hub and also connect to the Valour network. By crowdsourcing information such as reroutes, traffic jams, and even potholes in the road are gathered and communicated. And if a Valour is stolen it can be pinpointed on the network.

Here at hobbr wel love bikes because they are the most efficient, green, healthy, and fun way of transportation.
Especially now modern bikes are getting safer, keyless bike locks are getting better and smarter, transporting bulky stuff on bikes is easier, indoor storage is more eye-pleasing, and cities are making efforts to be more bicycle friendly.
The Valour is a huge step forward in bicycling fun and safety and yet only the start of all the good things that are to come.
For more info or to back this project visit Kickstarter.
Last Updated on May 7, 2014 by Tyler