One of the most important parts of your daily gear is a good bag. A quality bag not only holds your necessities including your phone, laptop, lock, multi-tool, and spare clothes but you should also be able to quickly retrieve your on-the-go goodies. Many bags that are both functional and good-looking exist but there’s only one (we know of) that has a triangular shape.
The Evernote Triangle commuter bag is created by the people behind the popular Evernote app that helps you organize, e.g. collect and find everything digital that matters. Not surprisingly the main goal of the commuter bag is to do the same with your physical stuff.
Its triangular shape is one aspect that helps you do so. Apart from allowing it to stand on its own it lets you see its contents in a glance. A fold down panel lets you easily see what’s in the compartments even when it’s between your feet. A see-and-hear-through external pouch makes it easier to quickly grab your ringing phone or other stuff you need to be able to get your hands on.
Its interior is customizable by rearranging the dividers. Get your abrAsus bag at Evernote.