Easy One Hand Tying Shoelaces

For many people, tying shoelaces is something that takes five seconds out of their day. For others, it is a massive ordeal. They simply can’t make the correct loops and knot. Some find it’s almost impossible to get the previous knot undone and slip their foot in.

We tend to think of children who can’t tie shoelaces but also the physically impaired, the elderly, people with back problems, and adults with the mental age of young children who struggle with the same problem.

Many children with autism haven’t mastered this skill. Practice doesn’t make perfect for them. Finger strengthening exercises, studying loops and bunny ears, and watching shoelaces hacks on YouTube only cause more frustration.

Some will learn eventually yet there are many adults who can’t tie our shoes either. It’s said that Einstein couldn’t tie his shoelaces as he had Asperger’s but this is probably a myth.

So you resort to buying shoes with Velcro (which are really hard to find in larger sizes). Or you use a no-tie shoelace replacement such as Hickies’ Elastic Lacing System. “Never Tie Your Sneakers Again.” Which, would essentially force you to always wear sneakers.

But now there’s the QuickShoeLace one-handed lacing system. 

Simply attach the barbel, lace up the shoe with the given lace, and then hook the circular head around the barbel to secure it in place.

No more frustration, no more shame, and no more knotted laces that make you late for work.

Whether it’s caused by compromised dexterity or hand strength or the simple fact that you only have one hand, now anyone can tie their shoelaces.

What’s more, they allow for really fast tying too. Making them great for those who are able to tie their shoelaces too.

How about when you attempt to put your shoe on without untying the laces because you are in a hurry and are 10 minutes late to that promotion meeting that you promised your boss you wouldn’t forget?

Or, you might be on the treadmill at the gym and, all of a sudden, your shoe feels loose as it flies off of your foot, endangering you and causing others to dodge the flying artifact in the room.

QuickShoeLaces come in many different colors that you can mix and match with outfits, or just simply showcase your personality, and it takes less than three second to bend over, latch the lace with the barbel, and go. Take your shoes from hassle to dazzle in no time at all.

Get ’em here.





Last Updated on January 31, 2017 by Tyler