This portable standing seat is collapsible and weighing only two lbs it is very easy to take with you. Great for many occasions. Soccer moms on the sidelines, sporty sports fishers, office dwellers at their standing desks, festival visitors, and the like.
The portable seat is created by Focal Furniture and encourages correct posture, reducing stress on your spine. It’s actually more leaning than sitting but sometimes you just need to give your legs and feet a rest.
Mogo allows you to sit where you normally couldn’t (or wouldn’t) sit and to stand when you shouldn’t sit. Mogo means convenience and health-stimulating mobility combined.

Why less sitting is much better?
During prolonged sitting muscle use drastically reduces. As a result your metabolism changes, good cholesterol levels decrease, resulting in increased fat cells in your blood stream and increased insulin resistance. Which is why active sitting chairs have risen in popularity.
When you are standing or walking you are using your leg muscles, the largest muscles in your body. That’s why a few hours of additional standing, e.g behind a standing desk, is such an improvement. What’s more, you’re also more creative and productive when you stand. And you’re burning calories. It is estimated that a mere two hours of standing equals 30 minutes of running.
Pick your Mogo at Upright Furniture.
Last Updated on October 1, 2015 by Tyler