Holding your coffee in one hand while steering your bike is not the safest way of moving though traffic. Until now it could only be done on a bike with coaster brakes (and even then I wouldn’t recommend it).
With this simple, yet ingenious, cup holder you can take your coffee (or tea for that matter) with you, no matter what type of bicycle you ride.
A modest invention in form but a great innovation in significance. Time to drink your java in the early morning is sparse yet the need for some extra energy to support your commute is very welcome.
The cup holder clamps firmly on your handlebars. The cap ensures you don’t splash yourself in the face when hitting potholes and other regularities in the road.
Bookman‘s two-ringed cup holder accommodates different sizes and is available in different colors. Easy installation, no screws or anything needed. The only downside, it doesn’t hold bottles.
Last Updated on May 16, 2014 by Tyler